May 18, 2024
Royal Rabbit Vineyards 1090 Jordan Sawmill Rd, Parkton, MD 21120, USA
Autocrat: Sir Bonniface Tennequay Du Vrai Coer and Elysende du Vrai Coer, Count & Countess of Gelene
The Kingdom of Acre gathered for a Semik (Green Week) Celebration in the time of Olga of Kiev, when Kiev was a key city in the far flung Kiev Rus Empire.

Demos were presented by Seneath of Hasting Hall, Countess of Montfort and Lady Claudia Ocorra on wax seals.

The populace participated in garland making, writing their wishes on a prosperous year, or adding the names of the recently departed, and hanging them on the birch tree.
We Processed in, and poured wine on the birch tree for luck
Later in the evening an effigy was burned to ensure fertility of the soil. Throughout the day we had the pleasure of listening to live music, and enjoyed a tavern song contest, with ample libations.
During court, the populace had a moment to introduce them selves, and announce where they hail from.
Baron Dimitri of was called into court for exemplary fighting and working with his knight and awarded a GOAT (greatest of all time) token.
Sir Niccolo da Palermo, Count of Samasota presented a back logged scroll for an award of honor to Lady Zipora Dubois.
Sir Niccolo da Palermo, Count of Samasota was called into court and awarded a token for helping hands for his work of continually providing atmosphere and ambiance to events, as he tells stories, sings songs, creates scrolls for the enjoyment of the populace and takes on apprentices to share his knowledge with the kingdom.

Lady Elena di Salaparuta was called into court and awarded Key to the Kingdom in recognition of her extraordinary skills and dedication in the arts and sciences, as well as her actions in teaching these skills to others taking on apprentices and guiding them to their own successes such as entering into the order of the artisan, or take on kingdom level jobs, that the people of our Kingdom might greatly benefit.